
It's All About The Service

Since 1995, Copier Rental, Inc. has been a service-driven company.?What sets us apart from our competitors is our cCopier Serviceommitment to our customers. Our goal has been to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction in the industry. Due to our unprecedented service, we have achieved that goal and will maintain our commitment to offering the most outstanding service in the industry.

While providing an average response time of 4 hours or less, our highly-skilled and factory-trained technicians can provide you with an overall evaluation and keep you updated on all of the latest state-of-the-art equipment available.

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上海磐克電(diàn)子科(kē)技(jì )有(yǒu)限公(gōng)司

地 址1:上海市徐彙區(qū)漕溪路251号4号304室
聯系人:吳先生 劉小(xiǎo)姐 電(diàn)話:021 -549741201 18964116442 傳真:021-54971206,郵箱:14256808@qq.com